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Sports Development

Sports Development

Donate to Help Our Rugby Teams Shine

If you believe in supporting the next generation of rugby talent, now is your chance to make a real difference. Our men's and women's rugby teams are brimming with potential, but they need your help to truly showcase their skills on the field.

Namosi Highlanders Men's Team

Whether it's cash donations or much-needed sports equipment, any form of support will go a long way in empowering these young athletes to reach new heights. These players possess hidden talents waiting to be unlocked, and with your generosity, we can provide them the resources and opportunities to do so.


By contributing to our rugby program, you're not just investing in the team - you're investing in the future of the sport itself. These players are the future stars, and your donation could be the spark that ignites their passion and propels them to greatness.

So, if you're passionate about rugby and want to see the next generation of talent flourish, please consider making a donation today. Every bit counts, and together, we can help our men's and women's teams reach their full potential.

For Enquiries Contact Danny Jason on +679 777 9099